The cherry truck has arrived, and mom is breaking out pie dough, canning jars and popsicle molds to commemorate the occasion. Things worth ...
Toddler in Tow
Side by side is how we create memories with our littles. But if we take the time to cook with them, our gifts double. We create independent and creative thinkers. We create methodical minds and healthy eaters. We create bonded experiences, and an open table for conversation. We show them that we are invested in them, and they show us their eagerness to be there. And it is all there at the end of your wooden spoon.
Bunny Book Club is our method of combining our love for books with our love for food! Living books have great inspiration for recipes to go along with our reads. We also dabble in snacks, crafts, and book lists. One can never have enough books.
Toddler move from littles to boys and girls, and yet hopefully, they still love books! "The Stories" and "Book lists" refer to the hundreds of books we have read and loved as these littles grow. Come back time to time to see what's new from our libraries!
Read on:
About Bunny Book Club: books, crafts + snacks
Book Lists: topical lists of living books
The Stories: childhood favorites
Mom’s Cold Season Remedies
This round-up features our favorite recipes, remedies and activities for the cooler and cold ridden months of the year. Whether its the change of ...
Mom’s Best: Supportive Elderberry Syrup
Mom is here with a quick immune system boost with just a spoonful of homemade elderberry syrup. Elderberry Syrup Today, we take care of the ...
Bunny Book Club: Fall Book List
Fall, fall, a wonderful introduction to seasonal rotation of read aloud books! Many books are listed as appropriate for particular ages, but like ...
Bunny Book Club: “Thundercake”
This year, rumbling thunder and chocolate thundercake became our newest tradition. “Family traditions reveal what you value enough to repeat, and if ...
2nd Time Mama: Baby Items for #2
What things do you need as a second time mama? Which things are essential for your baby registry? What makes a great gift for a mama who already has ...
2nd Time Mama: the baby shower
The season of babies is upon us, and the ministry of community comes alive to support new and repeat mamas to be. Baby showers are a wonderful means ...
2nd Time Mama: 5 Last Minute Meal Prep Strategies
To win over busy weeks and busy toddlers, try a hand at our 5 last minute meal prep strategies for your kitchen. With all the planning and ...